our services

While Dr. Oliveira's passion and training lies in Implant Dentistry, he is a General Dentist at heart and offers a full range of services. Our caring team is dedicated to helping you and your family maintain healthy, beautiful smiles. We provide a wide variety of dental treatment options to meet all of your family’s dental needs and goals. Dr. Oliveira, along with the rest of our skilled team, enjoy caring for patients of all ages at our office. We always welcome new patients, from children and teenagers to adults and seniors, to visit our practice for the dental care you need to achieve and maintain optimal oral health.


Emergency dentistry

No one ever wants to experience a dental emergency. However, if you do have one, we are here to help you receive the emergency dentistry you need. From tooth pain, to loose crowns – whatever your dental emergency may be - it is our concern. If a tooth needs to be extracted, we can often do bone grafting that same day, or place an immediate implant to expedite the implant process. Dental emergencies often happen outside of our normal office hours, but we are still here to help. 


Dental Crown & Bridge

A crown is an esthetic covering or a tooth-shaped “cap” that is placed over another tooth to provide it stability. Crowns are generally used to improve the strength or appearance of teeth. When a large cavity threatens the ongoing health of a tooth, a crown is a good option. Crowns are also used to restore the shape and size of chipped or damaged teeth.

When a tooth is missing between two teeth, an implant may not always be possible, so the gap can be filled with a dental bridge. A bridge is a single set of two crowns with a tooth connected between them. The two outside crowns are set over teeth on either side, anchoring the bridge and holding the center tooth in place. The result is three permanent, functioning teeth with no gaps between them. 

You might need a crown or bridge for any of the following circumstances:

  • To cover discolored or misshapen teeth
  • To support a tooth with a large filling
  • To support a tooth with a root canal
  • To support a worn out, cracked or broken tooth


Restorative Dentistry

Commonly referred to as "fillings", we offer tooth-colored composite fillings that blend in seamlessly with your own teeth. While amalgam fillings are easily visible when you smile wide or laugh, composite fillings are designed to match the natural color of your teeth.

Patients often ask us about the safety of amalgam fillings and whether they should replace their current metal fillings with composite fillings. Multiple studies conducted by the U.S. Department of Public Health as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have demonstrated that the mercury in amalgam fillings do not pose a health risk. However, older amalgam fillings may leak or become loose. If you are concerned about the condition of your fillings, please give us a call.

Gum Disease Treatment

Have you noticed that your gums are swollen, red, or tender? Do your gums bleed easily, such as when you floss and brush your teeth? If so, you may suffer from periodontal disease. Periodontal disease, which is also known as gum disease, is a condition that affects over 50% of Americans above the age of thirty.

Research has shown that untreated periodontal disease is connected to several health complications, including:

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Pregnancy complications
  • Respiratory conditions

If this condition is not treated, it can lead to a receding gum line, bone loss, and tooth loss. If you suffer from gum disease our team will do all we can to restore the health of your smile. We offer a number of periodontal treatments, including scaling and root planing (deep cleaning treatments).


Sleep Apnea

Are you one of the millions who just can’t seem to get a good night’s sleep? Does snoring or interrupted breathing during sleep keep you—and those you love—from getting the rest you all need?

Well, it should come as no surprise that sleep apnea and many other sleep disorders often have their origins in the mouth, sinus, teeth, and jaws. All the bone and tissues of the mouth and sinus area need proper placement and function in order for a person to be able to breath, speak and sleep well.

Some signs of sleep apnea may include: snoring, high blood pressure, memory problems, fatigue, feelings of increased stress, and gasping while sleeping. One of our goals as a dental team is not only to treat your oral health, but also to improve your overall health. Sleep apnea can affect our general health, and treatment can start at the dental office by finding the right appliance for you.


Pediatric Dentistry

After Dr. Oliveira's first six months of residency, he strongly considered doing a pediatric dentistry residency. During his AEGD residency, he had the opportunity to do inpatient hospital based cases for patients under the age of 8 who required full mouth rehabilitations. By starting with a healthy mouth from a young age, we can set our kids up for success in the future.

However, we know that for kids a visit to the dentist ranks just under meeting the bogeyman. A dentist’s office, with its strange noises and big examination chairs, can be intimidating to young patients. And when a practice doesn’t have a great deal of background in pediatric dentistry, it can unintentionally cause more stress for kids already anxious about their visit. We try to ease the stress for our littlest patients to ensure they have have a solid foundation with their dentist from the youngest of ages.